Travel Destinations


10 Must Do Things In Switzerland

Switzerland is suuuuuuch a beautiful country! The nature is simply stunning, and there are plenty of picturesque villages and cities. If you’re visiting for the first time, make sure to include all these 10 must do things in Switzerland in your itinerary!

Kaneo Church Ohrid

7 Reasons To Have A «Balkan» Summer This Year

Everyone is talking about having a “European” summer this year. Mostly, this involves a trip to either Italy, France, Spain, maybe the UK and maybe Germany. However, Europe is much more than just these handful of countries. In this blog post I will give you 7 reasons to have a «Balkan» summer this year. Still Europe, but at least a little more specific ;)

11 Tips For First Time Visitors at Kruger National Park

11 Tips For First Time Visitors at Kruger National Park

Going on a Safari is definitely a once in a lifetime experience (for most of us)! Since this environment is out of most people’s comfort and experience zone, it is highly advisable to go as prepared as you can. Here are 11 tips for first time visitors at Kruger National Park , that I wish I would have known before going there myself!

Elephant Safari

7 Things To Know Before Visiting South Africa

South Africa is a beautiful country with so much to offer. They have amazing natural sights, fascinating wildlife and the people are generally very friendly and funny. However, it is also a country with one of the highest inequalities in the world. Here is a list of 7 things you should know before visiting South Africa!

25 Places To See By 25

25 Places To See By 25

With my birthday coming up, I’ve been reflecting on all the things I’ve been lucky enough to see and explore. Hence, I thought it would be fun to make a list of my current top destinations that I’ve been to. So here they are, my 25 places to see by 25!